Friday, February 04, 2005

What Do STDs and Chinese Medicine Have in Common?

Allison: How do you pronounce that painless ulcer you get from syphilis?
Me: Chancre. Shan-ker.
Allison: Chan-ker? Oh, shan-ker.
[we both go back to reading]
Allison: Oh!
Me: What?
Allison: Did you know that there's something separate called chanc-roid?
Me: The one with painful ulcers?
Allison: Yes! I've been so confused about these...
[we both go back to reading]
Allison: Wait, what's the name of the fields?
Me: Huh?
Allison: I know why I've been confusing them--what's the name of the fields?
Me: [blank stare]
Allison: You know, the energy fields? [waves her hand around her body]
Me: mean chakras?
Allison: [lights up] That's it!


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